Discover How TDS used the Convergence Instruments
ACAM-64 Acoustic Camera
Technological Design Studios, an acoustic consultancy firm from Annapolis MD were recently contracted to assess the soundproofing of a new broadcast facility in Arlington VA that they designed. Their assessment identified several locations where the doors were not up to standard. Using ACAM_64, they were even able to pinpoint precise locations where the seals were…
Read MoreModern Acoustic Materials
Modern architecture has opened up a world of possibilities for acoustic materials. In general, acoustic materials can be divided into three types; absorbers, reflectors and diffuses. There are many crossover materials that combine attributes of each,but these are really the basics. By far, absorbers are the most popularly utilized in commercial construction with uses from…
Read MoreTDS -Soundproofing A Basement Practice Space
We are often asked by residential owners how to reduce noise from basement music practice areas. The common question, “how do we soundproof the basement”? There is really no such thing as soundproofing. Sound can be decrease din wood framed residential construction in the mid-range and high frequencies effectively, but low frequency thumping from kick…
Read MoreTDS Acoustic Auralizations
One of the things we do regularly at TDS is create acoustic auralizations. Auralizations are audio files that our clients can listen to that help them understand the acoustic designs we create. This allows them to make decisions not only with our detailed reports, but the aural impression that the designs can provide. TDS can…
Read MoreAcoustic Separation Between Commercial Spaces
One of the concerns business owners should have when renovating or building a new space concerns managing the noise leaving or entering their space. This could be due to noise code compliance, lease requirements or simply being a good neighbor. At TDS, we have analyzed and designed hundreds of commercial spaces to allow businesses to…
Read MoreLow Frequency Room Modeling –an Acoustician’s Perspective
An acoustic engineers’ approach to medium and large room computer modeling has a slightly different perspective than the audio system designers. While the audio system designer is primarily concerned with loudspeaker interaction and pattern control, acousticians must make the complete audio system work within the confines of the physical room.This includes all the challenges of…
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